Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sleep walkin'...Pillow talkin'

Okay, so he's going to probably want to kill me, but I just have to tell this story about Zach.
Have to.
Background info: Zach laughs in his sleep.
This is hilarious to me and I love it!!
If I am not too exhausted, I can "wake" him up and get him to tell me what was so funny.
One time it was a dream about Superman telling someone he would be able to do something about a problem if he could "piss rainbows."
One time it was a dream about the Queen of England saying something about chicken nuggets.
He seriously dreams the strangest things.
And I can't help but love him for it.

But this weekend, I laughed harder than I've ever laughed before.
And Zach hadn't even laughed in his sleep.
I woke up a little early and showered before church on Sunday.
I came into the bedroom and this was the conversation we had:
Me: Hey, did the alarm go off while I was in there?
Zach: No, but the phone did.
Me: My phone or your phone.
Zach: My phone.
Me: Who was calling you?!?
Zach: The Developers of Doom.
Me: Excuse me?
Wait!? Who called?
Zach: The Developers of Doom.
Me: Laughing. The Developers of Doom called you on the phone?!
Zach: They're from ID Software

And from that point on I just laughed.
And then when he actually got up, I laughed some more.
Zach didn't remember the exchange.
And his phone never did actually go off.

I love my husband.
And I love laughing at him, too!

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