Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Answer This

What are some traditions that your family has?
During our heritage lesson on Sunday some of the girls and leaders shared some family traditions.
I loved listening to them.
There are several that I would love to adopt. 
Family traditions fascinate me.
Our family traditions may be smallish in nature but here are a few:
*Santa still comes to visit Shane and me. As does the Easter Bunny. True. And I look forward to it/need it.
*Pajamas for Christmas Eve every year aside from the one year my mom made a massively poor choice and went with bathrobes.
*Every Christmas Eve my grandpa reads the Christmas story from the bible.
*And every Christmas Eve the kids act out the nativity.
*In Zach's family we have Gingerbread House Wars
*Zach and I have just started gifts of Love, Want, and Need for Christmas. (Thanks to Aleisha and Rich for sharing that tradition with us. We love it and will do it with our kids, too)
*For our first anniversary Zach and I decided that we will not buy separate gifts for each other but that we'll make a purchase together for something fun that we can do/use. Whether it be a game, camping equipment, a vacation, etc...Something we will enjoy together and will make memories.)

But I'm just dying to hear more.

So tell me:

What are some of your family traditions? 

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