Monday, June 20, 2011

Is It Just Me?

Or does Ames resemble a Disney Character?Perhaps he looks a little like Flynn Rider?
Or every tall-dark-handsome white knight character in every Disney movie?

I'm not really making fun. I adore Ames. (By the way Stacey, I just happened to forget him last week...don't know how.)

Other thoughts:
*This is the best cast of men the show has ever had. I have a heart for so many of them. I love them.
*Sad to see Ben C. go--happy about William.
*Ashley's dumb. I don't think she deserves to be happy.
*Someone needs to teach Ashley how to dress.
*Did anyone else's heart hurt over the boxing date?
Who the $#%$ thought that was a good idea?
Ashley is dumb.
This season would be more of a dud than it already is if it weren't for these guys...thank goodness they're lovable.
She is not!


Unknown said...

My mom said the same thing about Ames when the season began. :)

Stacy Brady said...

Okay the whole time before Ames went to the hospital I knew it was going to be him and I just kept screaming at the TV and Ashley about how stupid the idea for that date was. Then after he came back I was laughing so hard because he was so out of it. He's my favorite. As for Ashley, I used to find her self-consciousness a good thing... but now it's annoying and unfair to all the guys. It seems like every night is a "hard night" for her and those poor guys just have to watch her self-destruct. I don't completely blame her for the whole Bentley thing simply because he's a con artist and left her purposely hanging on with no closure. That ruined the season more than anything. Now I just want to see what happens and if she actually lets him come back or what he could possibly say to give her any closure. If she does end up with someone at the end... I just don't think it'll last no matter who it is.

Mike and Alli said...

Agreed! She's totally a self saboteur. I feel kind of bad for whoever she ends up with because of her constant need for reassurance, just like last season. Grr. Girls. My two favorite guys are Ames and JP... anyone else like JP, or is that just me? It was so sad to hear him tell her how much he liked her and just watch her sit there sucking her lip, thinking about Bentley. I'm very intrigued to see what next week will bring.

Misty said...

Ames and J.P. are my favorites too! I can't decide if Ames would have been someone I would have dated and then gotten eventually and inexplicably creeped out by. I am definitely looking forward to next week's episode. Ashley is dump. I was pretty impartial to her last season, but now I'm pretty much tired of her.

Kristen said...

Found your blog a while ago and had to comment after reading this. Watched The Bachelorette tonight and I couldn't agree more about Ashley, but the main reason i am commenting is that one word sums up Ames's look and it's all in the eyes: Quasimodo. Am I right or am I right? :)