Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am obsessed with pinning. Actually, it's not that bad. I found my newest pins in about a half an hour.
But dear readers, I loved them so much, I have to share with you.

I really needed to see this today.
It applies to SO many aspects of my life...


Isn't it true...

I think this is one of the cutest ideas. Of course Zach and I haven't known each other since we were kids...but we've actually been consciously taking pictures with him kissing my cheek when we're on vacation. It started on our honeymoon and coincidentally we did it again in Hawaii and said, "Hey! We should always take a picture like this and make a collection!" Won't it be neat fifty years from now?

CLEVER! It's not really my style, but I love this idea. This would be great for mutual or a youth group don't you think?

Ginger ale and strawberries+the presentation.
Next time you're invited over for dinner, this might be what you get?!

Oh, how badly this makes me want to write a whole new post.
But I will refrain.

I think my mom will laugh. This is SO me somedays.

Seriously think I'm making one of these this week. Seriously. I have one...it's on the back of an envelope. I need this. It's WAAAY cuter and far more functional! :)

Okay, so I don't have a tattoo. I won't get a tattoo. Generally I'm not a fan of them. I like Misty's and until I saw this, I had only liked Misty's. I really like this. I love it.
Plus, I adore John Mayer and this song.
It's all beautiful!

Just thought I'd share!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Words I'm Going to Start Living By

This weekend I had a big. fat. epiphany.
I was pondering on some things that I was watching someone else do...and I realized that in my own way I do it too. This quote came to mind:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "
--Marianne Williamson
I'd just like to discuss some of the aspects of this quote that go hand in hand with what I've been thinking.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around you.
How often do we do this?
How often have I downplayed some of my blessings.
My wonderful family, friends, and yes husband.
Somehow sometimes I feel bad that I have these things.
Or that I've taken a vacation.
Or purchased something new.
Or done something fun and exciting.
At work, I really try not to play small too much.
I will tell my boss when I feel like I've been successful or done something right.
He's actually taught me to do that...to toot my own horn, if you will.
And I'm learning...at work.
But I still downplay my personal life.
Quite a bit. I feel bad that I love my husband and would rather spend time with him than the "girls." I either feel like they'll think I'm dumb or they feel like I am still a newlywed and eventually the honeymoon will "end." And so I don't really express how much fun I have at home with Zach or how much I like spending time with him.
But really, why not?
Who am I hurting by covering up my happiness?

I feel guilty sometimes that I still have good girlfriends from before marriage.
There's a different kind of relationship there, and I definitely think it can leave others envious at times.
I sometimes have felt bad about sharing Misty's position in my life. That we are the best of friends. For forever.
So I've been known to consciously tell someone something like, "But I don't see her that often. I'm a bad friend."
To water down the beauty of our friendship.
And I've done it knowingly.

When I talk about other friends, I feel like I downplay their importance in my life.
And more importantly, my love for them.
I love differently, but there's something to be said for the love I have for Misty, Jonnie, Sarah, Natasha, Jennifer, and Aleisha.
Some of that love goes beyond a family kind of love.

Why shouldn't others know about my blessings?
Maybe they'd be more comfortable sharing theirs?
Or maybe they'd look for them more?
Or perhaps they'd seek some of the things I have?

I know that I have friends that are very ambitious in their work.
Or maybe they're really good with their money and are very deserving of the things that come their way as a result of the choices they've made.
I know that I could feel envious of them and just bad about myself for all that I'm lacking.
But if I'm ever aware of my blessings and I let the beauty of my life shine.
I think I'm just more likely to come home and tell Zach that I want more.
More out of myself.
More discipline.
More education.
More ambition.
Not necessarily this minute, but I'm not done.

And if we all help each other to keep from settling.
To keep from using that awful word: content.
Wouldn't that make the world a better place?
Wouldn't we truly be serving the world?

I think so.

What's worse than being content is to be blind to your blessings.
To publicly deny them.
That's just plain ugly.

I don't know about you, but I think I was meant to be beautiful.
I want to be beautiful.
So I think I'm going to try a little harder...to let my light really shine.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I didn’t write last week but suffice it to say I have had a whirlwind couple of weeks. I was sitting here yesterday and was truly sooo Tired that I thought I may puke. This has happened to me twice in one week and is actually unusual for me. I began thinking about how my attitude has changed over the years in regards to work - at home, in the yard, in my job, friendships and church.
While I was growing up my mom was absolutely the ULTIMATE almost OCD worker. She could clean a house like no one I have or will ever meet in my life. I learned the correct way to do things and for the most part I followed this as I got older (not to the extent she did) but I did follow it. I would actually set aside 6-8 hours for cleaning and when Shar was a baby my carpet had to be vacuumed EVERY SINGLE Day... Then I had more work hours and a little girl to play with and I had to let that habit slide a bit – just a little bit though. And I would still set aside an allotted amount of time and I even had a job that allowed me to work 9-10 hour days and leave early on Fridays so for years my Fridays were spent specifically cleaning. So I had Fridays and then every day I had to do a run through wipe things down with Windex, pick things up, sweep , straighten .
About 7 years ago my parents both had health issues that required quite a bit of outside help from the family and I took on some of my mom’s housework. This was the OCD woman by the way. And I would be over there cleaning and she would say “OH that is Good Enough”…… Wait .. What the hell??? Good Enough... since when... really??? But she meant it. She said “That is good enough, let’s just talk.” So I would finish up and we did talk..
Now my responsibilities have basically doubled and I have truly mastered the art of Good Enough. I will change the sheets every other week now at home and at my dad’s. I weed eat the yard the same way. I do clean every week but I spend maybe 2 hours cleaning at dad’s and maybe 3 at mine unless I have an extra chance. There simply are not enough hours in a week to cover the old way and I have found that it is ok. My floors are mopped and the vacuumed and I don’t bathe in a dirty tub. Life will go on if I don’t have prize winning sparkle. Things are good enough.
I think that this concept should also follow through for us in acceptance of people. So they are not the cleanest, smartest, sweetest or easiest to take. They are Good enough.... We are not always aesthetically pleasing to everyone either!!! What makes us think that our standard is any better than theirs? That our personality type is the top shelf? Who on the earth ever told us it was ok to choose how someone else should behave?
I feel we should all try to master this art of good enough. In our lives, our work, dealing with people and in love. While I still also believe we should strive to be the best we can...we have limits and so do the people around us. If we can calmly accept and care for people and truly believe in “GOOD ENOUGH” we will find more time to “just talk” remember our friends, be more patient with those we love and maybe, just maybe, stop expecting everyone and everything in our lives to go as we think they should. We will be Good Enough and if we are Good Enough then so are they...
After All if Heavenly Father thinks they are Good Enough .. Who are we to decide otherwise?
I am going to try.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well That Was Embarrassing...

Well, after my mom's take on my last post...
I decided I needed to blog something new...ASAP.

(For the record, I was on the phone with my dear mother when she was reading that post for the first time and she laughed and said, "Oh dear, I wonder if Zach sometimes has to go somewhere else in his mind sometimes with you."
So I'm pretty sure she knew the point of that post.
Instead, she thought she would be funny...
but she knows...as should the rest of you, I would never blog about something like that.
I'm not a prude...but I don't share things like that. I. just. don't.)

Now that that awkward situation is CLEARED up...

I introduce those of you who don't know about pinterest...to pinterest.
Pinterest is a social network (although, I'm not using it as such and really don't have any intention to) that allows you to catalog all of the wonderful things you find online.
Rather than bookmarking.
Or (even worse) doing what I do: emailing myself a million links for ideas I find online and then labeling said emails.

Pinterest is so much more fun!

Check out some of my finds:

Things to make/eat...

Clever Ideas
Do you love it?

Ideas for the home
Hanging Photos

Things I Want to Wear...

Practical Use Things to Buy
Someday I will have these walls/this floor...

And this...this is just bliss. Pretty please....
If you do so desire...you can check out my pin boards here.

There! I feel more sophisticated already.
Well...until you see that my fullest pin board is of food!

That's How We Roll

Last night we had a little exchange that went like this:

Me: Zach, can you come into the bedroom for a second. I have two parts on my body that need to be examined.

Zach: Yeah. Are you freaking out?!

Now see...a normal wife would maybe make this comment in a flirty/teasing manner. Perhaps a ploy to seduce her hubby. I realized this after the words came out of my mouth. What I love and what made me laugh is that Zach knew that that's not what it was at all (and if you're wondering, I did not say them in a tone of fear or worry. I said them playfully, actually, in my cute girl voice so as to disguise my obsessiveness. I do that quite often.)

Zach knew the hypochondriac in me never rests. So he knew that I was probably having a panic. So he came in...took a look...and assured me that everything is okay.

Now, I know he's not a medical expert but that's how we work around here.

I freak out. Zach calms me down.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Push Pause!!!!

Those are the words I yelled at Zach as we were watching the new Karate Kid.

This is how the rest of the conversation went:

Zach: Why?
Me: Push Pause!! On Jackie Chan's face. It has to be on his face!
Zach: Okay. Why?!?
Me: He looks like my Uncle Levi (begin hysterical laughter at self) and I have to show Shane!
Zach: He does NOT look like Levi!
Me: Yes, he does (continue laughing as I snap a picture and send text to mom and Shane) Shane will back me up.
Zach: What's so funny is how amused you are with yourself.
Me: I know. (Continue laughing)

Well, once again, my brother let me down.
I never received a text back.
He's my agree-er.
Mom looks like Oprah. We agree.
Will looks like Jim Carey. We agree.
Levi looks like Jackie Chan (still laughing). I still don't know.
So what do you think?
Do you see it at all?

Hilarious either way!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thin is the New Happy

I remember one Sunday dinner at my parents' house, when it was still my house.
Misty and Ken were over for dinner (they used to come to Sunday dinner sometimes)
and mom was telling them this story:
"The other day we were at Deseret Book and I found a book on combating body image issues. I told Shar I was going to get it for her and she said, 'NO! I like my body image issue!'"

Mom was baffled by my response.
Misty laughed and replied something like, "I love us. We are so proud of every part of ourselves."

Which was true and still is.
I take immense pride in who I am.
Mostly due to my mom nurturing that in me.
And later, Misty and I sharing this odd little trait.

But I've decided I'm done with "liking" my body image issue.
I've found it's gotten incredibly worse over the past little while.
And then it's gotten immensely better
**dare I say..I think it's the tan which is so horrible of me***

So I picked up this book on Friday night and I finished it today, Tuesday. I couldn't put it down.
There was so much I could relate to.
I can't sing the praises of this book enough.
Sure there are a few bad words and some wild living in it...but it's GOOOOOD.

I fell in love with the cover first and foremost.
I had to read the back. I was sold.
So if the cover doesn't sell you...perhaps a few of these excerpts will?

"In the five months between diagnosis and death, Glenn relived his childhood struggle to gain weight. He dwindled to skeletal proportions. Watching the ravages of his disease was soul-and appetite--killing for me. I lost interest in food. I dropped twenty five pounds, and two dress sizes, seemingly overnight, effortlessly.
And I was thrilled about it.
Yes, my husband was dying. I was on the verge of widow-hood at thirty-five. My daughters were losing their father. I was lonely, frustrated, heartbroken, horrified by the toll illness took on Glenn and everyone else who had a front row seat. Still, despite the sorrow, I took supreme joy in my increasingly roomy clothing."

" ' Women our age our fighting a tougher battle than our mothers and grandmothers,' she said. 'They fought to be seen by men as more than decorative sexual objects, for he right not to be judged on their looks alone. Our generation is supposed to be CEOs, mothers, wives, expert lovers, have perfect bodies, run marathons, make a million dollars, be gourmet chefs, swing a golf club, never eat, never get tired. Men of any generation have never been asked to do what feminism asks of us. We are multitaskers but not superhuman. The standard of what is expected of us and what we expect of ourselves is too high.' "

"Among all oppressed peoples throughout history, we women hold the dubious distinction of being the only group to persecute ourselves."

"Perfectionism really is the enemy of happiness and success."

My verdict. Great book.
Wonderful insight.
Great ideas to break your own body image issues.
And I'm really going to try it.
Starting now!

Align Center


These two are getting married.
Date? TBA

Engagement took place last night!
Details unknown at this time.

Now if you don't know how much I love my brother you can read about it briefly here and here.

So I'm sure you can imagine my reaction when I received a text from my brother last night that said, "Hey ya'll, we're finally engaged!"

Yes, yes. My brother did, in fact, send his only sibling a mass text to tell of his engagement.

I couldn't even offer the proper congratulatory words.
My response was something like, "Um, congratulations, but you're seriously telling me via mass text?!?!"

And that's how it is.

Thankfully, I LOVE my brother's fiance, Kylie.


I am so excited that she will be joining our family. She is the perfect addition.
She eats dinner with us.
She loves Mal and Roy and Eppie.
She laughs at my brother's disgusting boy habits.
Which usually leaves me the only one not laughing. Zach, Kylie, and Shane have a blast laughing together while I remain disgusted.
She watches The Bachelor with my mom and me.
She's a pickier eater than I am!
She's cute!

If you didn't know, I had a long time fear that my brother would marry someone I didn't like and that would just be it. Our sibling friendship would be no more.

No worries, though. I love her.

Here is one of many reasons why:

I sent her a congratulatory text as well and her response was:

"Thank you. He should've called you!"

Congratulations, Kylie and Shane! I love you both and I am so excited for you!!!!

p.s. You guys all thought I was having a baby didn't you?!?!

Monday, May 23, 2011


What am I thanking you for?
Maybe for reading?
Or waiting with excitement for Hawaii pictures?
Or maybe it's the only Hawaiian word I learned/used...
Zach used it EVERY.WHERE. I felt silly.
Like an impostor.
But it seemed like a good enough blog title for our little trip.

Please forgive the fact that I just learned how to use Picasa 3 to edit my pictures/make a collage.
I spent a lot of time putting these together--but you can tell I'm still in the early learning stages.

I also included text on EVERY SINGLE collage.
But couldn't get it to stay on my picture when I uploaded it?
So here's our trip in pictures:

Waikiki Beach
In attendance: Boi, Kassie, Zach, Me. Everyone played in the water.
I put my bottom on the sand and I didn't move until it was time to leave!
I read and basked in the glorious sun.
And when it was time to go, I ran into the water--my whole body, head, too--just to say I did!
Haunama Bay
My favorite thing!
In attendance: Zach/Me :)
Laie Temple
Prettiest place on the whole island
In attendance Wed Night: Long story. Still upset about it.
All of Boi's family, Grandma Mary, and eventually Zach and me. Eventually would be why there are no pictures of anyone else there.
Of course everyone was in attendance for the sealing on Saturday.

Wedding Dance
In attendance:
All of Boi's family, Dad and Mom, Grandma Mary, Nana and Granddad, Aunt Donise, Rob, Kay, Zach, and Me.

I love these pictures.
They give me a sense of pride.
Pride in the family I married into.
They are so much fun. Just look at them.
And proud of the family that I'm now "related" to via Kassie's new marriage.
I love Boi.
LOVE him.
He's such a great guy and his parents and family are phenomenal. I feel so fortunate to have these people in my life...forever. We are so blessed.
The Wedding
In attendance: see all of the above

Beautiful sealing.
Truly beautiful.
It was the first wedding day sealing I've ever attended. I am grateful that I was able to be a part of it.
Kassie's smile was so big and excited. I remember that feeling.
The Spirit was so strong.
The Tongan people have such strong testimonies and such appreciation for temple blessings.
It was truly a joy to attend such an event with them.
They take nothing for granted.
We cried.
Kassie was gorgeous.
Grandma Mary made her dress and veil...incredible huh?

Wedding Reception Everyone in attendance: EVERYONE!
Traditional Tongan reception.
INCREDIBLE experience.
So neat.
I learned a lot and felt so privileged to be a part--in a small way--of this family and this culture.
Just the two of us

A few pics that we snapped throughout our trip...I absolutely loved having so much time to spend with Zach.
I love him!
Random Favorites
The top and bottom pictures on the left were for Shane. He sent me a text telling me I must get pictures with these guys. (Boi has cousins that are in the NFL) I was a little apprehensive. So I asked Boi if that would offend him, he said not at all. So I approached. Nicest guys!

The top is Ma'ake Kemoeatu of the Redskins.
The bottom is Chris Kemoeatu of the Steelers.

Also included: a picture of a sea turtle we saw on Turtle Beach, a cute puppy named Snoopy, our family eating at the PCC--such a fun group, the most comfortable bed EVER, my handsome husband, and the view from our hotel room. I read a book every morning (4 a.m. Hawaii time) that we were there on the balcony. I enjoyed the weather and the view. Just beautiful to me!

We had a blast but we spent A LOT of time in the car. A really lot! :)
It couldn't be avoided. But I get grumpy in the car.
So the last picture is me keeping myself busy.
You might equate me and a camera in the car to a DVD player repeatedly playing Tangled or goldfish crackers to appease a child on a long road trip.
I play with the camera and find myself amusing and might even laugh or brag my wonderful ideas.
(In fact, I could probably dedicate an entire post to pictures like this, seriously)

Eventually, though. My boredom overtakes and I get grumpy.
Luckily, I could then text my mom or Misty and then we would reach our destination!

And we said goodbye to Hawaii but we hope to go back someday!
Thanks to the Tilini family and my in-laws!
Plus a nice tax return and my daddy.
We had a wonderful time!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

In Love

When I first met him
(picture taken...Late October '08--just startin' out. As in JUST starting out...this was our FIRST time alone in a car together. I love it!)

I could not get enough.
I mean seriously.
I checked my phone as frequently as I possibly could for text messages.
I would leave work and race to wherever he was.
I would stay with him and barely be able to pull myself away at the end of the "night" which sometimes--err most of the time--wasn't really night anymore.
All I could think about was Zach.
And marriage hasn't strayed far from that path. Honestly.
I still wait for his text messages--although they are less frequent.
I still can't wait to get home to him or for him to come home to me!
And I have the HATE saying goodbye whether it be in the morning, after the weekend, or after a long vacation together.
I still cannot get enough.


Move OVER Zach!
There's a new love in my life and I cannot get enough...

You may think I'm being silly, but it's true.
I was driving home yesterday after visiting with/holding Gracelynn for a while.
The only thing I could compare my obsession to was my love for Zach.
I love getting texts from Misty. Whether they're pictures of Grace (which are the best!)
or her telling me what Grace weighed at her latest check up.
I want to see her all of the time, but I don't want to be too overwhelming.
And I seriously have the hardest time leaving.
I could stare at this baby forever. She is perfect.
She is so tiny, and beautiful, and perfect.
She is also sweet...because you can just tell these things.

And I love her.
I cannot get enough.

And guess what?

I get to see her tomorrow!
And I CANNOT wait!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today is the last day of school.
And I am not running down the hall.
I did not count down the minutes until school was out.

I hate this day.
Yes, it is full of anticipation of a warm and relaxing summer.
But it is also so so sad as I say goodbye to the kids who have come to mean so very much to me over the past school year.
Kids who know my likes, dislikes, and everything in between.
It will happen like it always does.
I cry today. (Check)
Tomorrow and the following day I might cry.
For the next two weeks I will randomly and sporadically think about something and think to myself, "I have to tell my students about that on Monday!"--because my mind will think it's just a weekend.
I will tell Zach that I miss my class 3903847 times a day.
And he will say, " I know! You will love next year's class just as much as this year's class."
And I will.
It will just take me time.

When I was in high school, one of my teacher's wrote us a letter and I copy this idea every year for my class. I am going to share it with you, if you care to read it.
***Names are removed to protect the innocent

To ________, who can find joy in just about anything,
To _________, who has an amazing sense of humor,
To ________, who can always be counted on to treat others with kindness,
To _________, who never shorts himself,
To _________, who brought our class together this year--Donation Book anyone? (inside joke)
To ________, who shows genuine kindness to all,
To ___________, who works hard and takes pride in every success,
To ___________, who has a gift of drawing people to him and everyone is welcome in his circle of friends,
To ___________, who won my heart this year with his shy smile, hard work, kind heart, and his laugh,
To ________, who is always eager to help others,
To ___________, who others love to make smile,
To __________, who has a smile that will light up the darkest room,
To _________, who rises to a challenge,
To _________, who knows who she is and is true to herself,
To ________, who has a contagious zest for life,
To _________, who is a shining example of integrity,
To __________, who is wise beyond her years--Oh the things she has taught me!
To ____________, who has mastered being happy,
To _________, who quietly takes on the world,
To _________, who has learned a lot about learning and herself this year,
To _________, who tells the best stories with great enthusiasm (and has a killer laugh),
To _________, who is always up for a laugh (even if we're all laughing at HIM when he wakes up after falling asleep in the middle of an Open Court story!),
To _________, who loves to share her knowledge,
To ____________, who has an incredible imagination and view of the world,
To __________, who is a true leader,

Each of you have so many gifts. I have only listed one for each of you--but you all have many more. You are incredible! I have been honored to have you as my first "Hatchlings." You'll forever hold a special place in my heart. I hope for you all to have many successes in life. I hope you'll take this bit of advice:

Like Mrs. Frisby, help those in need, we all make mistakes.
Like McBroom, always look for both sides of the flapjack.
Like Anne Frank, always believe in the good around you, even when it seems to be missing, I promise--it's there!

What a wonderful year you've given me! I love you and I will absolutely miss you! Enjoy your summer and ROCK fifth grade! Don't forget that you're always a Hatchling--REPRESENT!

Mrs. Hatch

And that is why I cry.
And that is why I have the best job in the entire world!
I am so blessed to be surrounded by these people every day.
They are the best people I know.
And I miss them.
I miss them already.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Answer This....

Okay, first and foremost.
I'm in blogging rut?
Do you know why?
I know you're reading, but you're not commenting.
And this is making me sad.
Especially when my husband says to me, "It makes me sad that nobody ever comments on your blog."

Listen, people. I don't need my husband's pity.
I only need his love and support.
So tonight, I spent some time teaching myself how to spruce up my blog a bit?
What do you think?

So if you are reading this today, make yourself known.
If I know you but we haven't spoken in years...tell me.
If we've never met tell me...
and of course...if you're my mom, you can still comment.

Today's Question:

Read any good books lately?

I ask this question because:
a). I am always excited to hear about a good book.

b). I haven't.

Okay...so it started out with Water for Elephants
I am probably the only reader of this book who did not LOVE it.
I heard everyone rave and rave about it.
It got wonderful reviews.
So I bought it for Misty and then I bought a copy for myself.
I read it and I maybe enjoyed reading 1/20 of the whole book.
And that wasn't cutting it for me.
Jodi writes hard to stomach stuff sometimes.
Her stories are far from happily ever after.
Yet, somehow I can't seem to stop. I hunger after her kind of darkness.
This book was a different kind of dark.
I seriously hurt while I was reading this book.
I would often put the book down and clutch my chest in dramatic Sharlee fashion.
Zach would ask, "What just happeneds."
Without going into a long-winded explanation (which I did do on some occasions) all I could usually answer was, "This book is too much. I can't handle it. It hurts me too much to read."

So I finished it and it was honestly a relief.

And I waited until Hawaii to purchase a book.

During Hawaii, I purchased two "Beach Reads" with every intention of reading them at the beach.
That definitely didn't happen.

Perhaps I would have enjoyed
Heart of the Matter
Best Friends Forever
more if I had been sunning on the beach.

Actually. No. I wouldn't have enjoyed Best Friends Forever at any time.
No way.
That book had the most ridiculous plot line.
I was actually embarrassed for the author and for myself.
It was silly to say the very least.

Anyhow. I am in need of a good book.


Read any good books lately?

C'mon, help a girl out.

School's just about out...I need to do some serious reading!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mindless Entertainment

I watched the Royal Wedding all of it!!! I am actually proud to admit it  I think there is still something great about a real life Prince and Princess. I like William and Kate is beautiful so I actually am hoping for the HAPPILY FOREVER AFTER for them as well. Yes I am interested in the non-life altering news. I really actually love it. I love the Good Buys at the Dollar Store segment they had on Good Morning America, the zebra from our local Channel 6 yesterday and the gardening thing from the Lauderbach lady in the Idaho Statesman. Sometimes life is plenty full of crap and bad news. So when someone snubs me and climbs on a pedestal because I am not all involved in the tragedies and horror all the time. Oh well. I think that we are what we associate with and if you only watch and analyze the negative I think you become negative. I do think a person needs to be informed just not inundated!! I also think when you have a handle on the fun things it has a good effect. I think I should know because seriously I am pretty FUN  . So I will continue to watch entertaining news, read the advice section of the paper, schedule the weekly Monday night Bachelor with Sharlee and even occasionally get the funny sports stuff from Shane. The ornery grouches can all still watch Fox News and CNN and if something I need to hear is there go ahead and feel free to let me know. Otherwise pinch your face up some more, argue politics or talk gas prices and buy yourself some stock in Tums.
On a funny side note - Everyone is talking about Kate’s dress- the sleeves the lace. Even had designers running to copy it. Here is a fun news flash. The top of her dress looks a lot like mine and Shar’s ..( I love saying mine and Shar’s) but hey that idea is not new.. I had it 30 Freaking years ago!!!. Maybe they even got the idea from us… Now how about that for life altering ?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We're Back

We had a great time!
Our return is bittersweet.
Today I found myself wishing I were here with him.
A lot.

And then I was thinking about us here.
And this picture just makes me laugh
(and I am wearing a suit. The strap is a halter and it's small and the suit clearly does NOTHING for my chest. I know. Fail.)
And then it made me sad.

But then I thought about how Grace is here!
And how I love her for waiting for me.
And how I love her even more for coming on Mother's day!
And how she's just the most beautiful, sweetest thing EVER.
And how I just want to get back over to Misty and Ken's so that I can look at her some more.
I think I am obsessed.

Isn't she beautiful?!

I can't believe she's here.
I can't believe Misty is a mom.
I am thrilled!

Grace is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!