Sunday, May 8, 2011


"May each of us treasure this truth: One cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one." --President Thomas S. Monson

Zach and I are so blessed to have so many mother figures in our lives.

We've only pictured a few
(and yes, I recognize I need new pictures of just about everyone but Nana and Grandad.)
We have aunts and grandmothers and others that are not pictured here.
My Mom:
She's as good a mom as a mom gets! She's darn near perfect. I am blessed!

Zach's Mom

She gets me and I feel so blessed for that. She hugs me, laughs at me, she's even cried with me. There's a LOT of laughter when Suzanne is around. I love her!

Zach's 2nd Mom, Pati

She's tough and I admire that! I love that she is always complimentary and I feel like she has my side when I feel outnumbered by the boys. (Zach and his dad). We've shared a number of quiet glances across a room when we're in agreement but would rather keep it quiet :)

Zach's Grandma Hatch

Her home feels like home to me and I always feel welcome there. I feel like she's my grandma, too. I love her so much it's not funny. She is so giving. She's just plain good to me. She is also the hardest working grandmother I've ever met. No joke! She's incredible!

Zach's Grandma Mary

She's a crack up! Takes life a moment at a time, you can tell Zach spent a lot of time around her. She goes with the flow, cracks a lot of jokes, and has a good time no matter what.
Zach's Nana

Nobody can make me laugh as hard as Nana (except maybe my brother). The thing is--she doesn't even mean to. She's just a riot. She's just like me...super obsessive but watching it in someone else it's just hilarious. Anywhere from jumping to the conclusion that her air conditioner was absolutely broken--when in reality it just hadn't been turned on, to freaking out about Zach drinking an outdated Capri Sun, to playing Hand and Foot with her. She's wonderful!
Happy Mother's Day to all!

I don't have any digital photos of my Grandma Marty and so I felt uncomfortable posting one grandma picture and not another. Ya'll know how I love my grandmas.

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