Thursday, May 26, 2011

That's How We Roll

Last night we had a little exchange that went like this:

Me: Zach, can you come into the bedroom for a second. I have two parts on my body that need to be examined.

Zach: Yeah. Are you freaking out?!

Now see...a normal wife would maybe make this comment in a flirty/teasing manner. Perhaps a ploy to seduce her hubby. I realized this after the words came out of my mouth. What I love and what made me laugh is that Zach knew that that's not what it was at all (and if you're wondering, I did not say them in a tone of fear or worry. I said them playfully, actually, in my cute girl voice so as to disguise my obsessiveness. I do that quite often.)

Zach knew the hypochondriac in me never rests. So he knew that I was probably having a panic. So he came in...took a look...and assured me that everything is okay.

Now, I know he's not a medical expert but that's how we work around here.

I freak out. Zach calms me down.


MumofElderLarson said...

ok not sure
that your mother needs to know
that you and your hubby are playing Doctor from the blog but.,
hey thats how she rolls.

Sharlee said...

OH MY GOSH MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are not playing doctor. I actually can't believe you wrote that. If anyone knows we were NOT playing's you! You know how I am just as well as Zach does. AAAH!

Misty said...

Ha! I love you two!