Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Bachelorette....

Okay, I know I'm like a month behind on this.
It's just that I really wasn't too excited about this season. I wasn't an Ashley fan.
But here are my thoughts:
On Ashley:
*I actually feel sorry for her. She is by far the most human Bachelorette they've ever had. Hello insecurities. I am an insecure person, but I like to think that even I am not that insecure.
*Does she ever wear a top. For someone as flat chested as she is and as aware of it as she is...her shirts are always showing off her stuff...it's either that or her stomach. You would think she's confident, but she's not.
*If I have to hear her say, "I was in such a dark place last week!" one more time, I don't think I can watch anymore. Okay, that's probably not true, but I am seriously sick of it. The show has been running for a month and she had tons of one on one dates with great guys. The one guy...you know the one EVERYONE is talking about...I won't even bother to talk about him really because that's what he was after and I won't give it to him...even on my little blog. But seriously. What a dumb girl! How embarrassing!

On the guys:
*I like A LOT of them. I mean a lot. I can't really choose just one at this point because so many of them have my heart. I'm just attached. This is a great set of guys for sure.
I especially like: JP, Mickey, Constantine, Ben C., and Ben F. (with the mural?! I LOVED it, too cute!)
I also like Ryan.
I don't like Blake.
What a girl Blake is for confronting Ryan about being too positive. He didn't even do anything?!?! Isn't Ryan adorable? I think so.
So Blake can go.
And I am not really into personal trainer Nick so he can go.
And William has lost all credibility so he can go, too!
Although, I'd kind of feel bad for William, but he has it coming.

What are you thinking?

1 comment:

Stacy Brady said...

What about Ames?!! He's probably my favorite along with JP. I officially hate William. I'm not a fan of the long hair thing so I'm not overly excited about Constantine or that one Ben guy. And as far as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"... Are we sure that it's even him that is in the hotel next episode? I was only half watching but I didn't think they said his name and I had the thought that maybe it could be Brad. Anyhow, I was not going to watch this season but then I saw a preview about "you know who" and had to catch up online. Now I too just feel so bad for her and I keep painfully watching as she makes an idiot out of herself. Poor thing. If she doesn't end up with a guy after this... #1) it's her own fault and #2) she might just swear off men forever when she watches it back. I would be horrified and probably not leave my house ever again.