Monday, January 31, 2011

A Few Things...

Just a few thoughts I'm having.
I'm THRILLED that this is the last day of January.
I had a great weekend.
I am so proud of my country music.
I'm honestly elitist about it.
If you disagree perhaps you should just take a listen here.
If that song doesn't bring tears to your eyes or give you chills...I don't know what will.
I'm mildly obsessed with this song right now.
I embarrassed myself at Aleisha and Richard's the other night and I just need to vent it off.
First of all, I swore in their house.
I feel horrible about this.
I swear sometimes.
I'm honestly okay with this...I do NOT have a foul mouth.
But I have respect for people who really don't.
I shouldn't have done that.
I also was telling a story for comical value about Zach, a Guiness shirt, and a story at Misty's house on Saturday night.
I got worked up.
Because it's me.
And it's alcohol.
But it was a story I was telling for comic value.
Well...I'm my mother's daughter
It appears that I may have gotten a little too worked up about it.
And I was being regarded in maybe a little too much seriousness.
As in...I was taken maybe a little too seriously.
Because I get worked up.
Perhaps I got a marriage counseling seminar.
The reality of it all is that I adore my husband.
And I am getting better at laughing at things he does.
But I am also extremely expressive.
And I am also my grandmother's granddaughter.
And I do not apologize for that.
If I stand somewhere. I don't budge.
And that's okay, too.
And sometimes I'm misread.
And when I'm misread and someone starts talking nicely to me...
Sometimes (okay all the time), I start crying.
And that's what happened.
And I'm embarrassed about it.
I've been fretting about it all day.
But I feel better now that I've aired it all out.
Sorry again Aleisha.
I'm sick.
I'm getting ready to go to my mom's to watch The Bachelor.
I'm excited.
I have an exciting book that I'm reading.
I will share it on here when I'm done.
I'm teaching myself how to create things on my blog.
Be patient with me as I continue to rearrange things.
I drank orange juice in a wine glass while taking a bath tonight.
I was feeling ill and that made me feel fancy.
I read my book, too.
Stay tuned for the Bachelor thoughts tomorrow!
p.s. I know The Bachelor isn't's a guilty pleasure :)
Take that back. Not guilty. It's just a pleasure.
I don't feel one bit bad about watching it.
Not one bit.

1 comment:

MumofElderLarson said...

I understand only too well the issue of you being your 'mothers daughter". I wish I had a nickel for every time someone told me to "Calm Down" when I was speaking of something I felt strongly about.Which of course is almost everything:) I could retire.
There are very few people that understand this about me as well. You and Cara would be it.
I also understand that you are Marty's granddaughter and that is something to be PROUD of. I feel that you have always had a strong sense of what you held as a standard and further more you follow that. I still remember when you were around 15 telling me that you had much more respect for staunch follower of another religion than you held for those of your own faith who were wishy washy in their beliefs. I am glad of that. I did not give you this trait. It did not come from our side. This is an Adams Marty to be specific trait. She did not do gray and neither do you. It is fine. Those who know you understand and LOVE this about you.
I know I am your mom but I have also been told by countless people that they admire you for this. They think I have something to do with it and I do not, but I do like the credit for it still the same. :)