Thursday, January 6, 2011

Answer This

Will it always be this way?
If it will how do I: a). accept this reality b). deal with it?

I am not answering this week. You are.
Pretty please.

Okay so here's the deal.
Works full time.
Goes to school full time.
3 nights a week.D
Doesn't get home until after 10.

Work full time.
I teach the after school program 2-3 nights a week.
This means I work 10 hour days 2-3 nights a week.
You should note that that is the time I am TEACHING. Not the time I am working late planning, grading, organizing, etc...I put it a lot of extra time for work. I'm not an extraordinary teacher, I seriously have to put in the time I do or I might die.
I have a book study on 2 Monday nights a month at school. For college credit.
I do my ward missionary work on Tuesday nights.
I attend mutual on Wednesday nights.
I was just informed that camp director also means sports now I coach volleyball on Saturday mornings.

I only eat dinner with my husband on Friday/Saturday nights.
Like a sit down at the table and talk dinner.

Zach just got a new job. Like a month ago (Yipee).
He now has weekends off.
So here I was thinking.
Oh we can enjoy our Saturdays together.
We can go to the ice festival in McCall.
We can feed the elk in Donnelly.

I am busy all winter on Saturdays.
It's like 9 weeks but still.
I honestly want to cry.
Like throw a fit and cry.

I like my husband.
I genuinely love spending time with him.

We're newlyweds. This is supposed to be the time we're supposed to enjoy it "just the two of us."
We do.
I love spending time with him.
I enjoy every minute.
But there aren't enough minutes.

I know that everyone who loves spending time with a it a spouse or a kid says this.
But seriously.

Will it always be like this?
If it is...HELP!!
How can I maintain sanity.
How can I keep myself feeling giving and selfless instead of annoyed and pissed off that I am so busy ALL THE FREAKING TIME!
I seriously get really angry and annoyed about this...and if it's never going to get better...I had better let it go.
Words of encouragement?
A smack in the head?
Any would be appreciated.

***Please note that I know lots of people work hard and harder than I do. I know that my job isn't necessarily more difficult than yours. I am just saying that it's a lot of work. I don't mean to whine. I know how blessed I am. I seriously am looking for help in changing my perspective.


Jeremy said...

It won't always be that way. Hallie and I have done it as have alot of couples and it makes the time you do get together more precious. You have to fit dates in and spend the time you do have together. It makes your relationship stronger if you make time for you two on the days you have together.

The Cluffs said...

You will always be busy. Someone will have a busy calling, someone has to work, children are the busiest creatures on the planet. You do adjust. It's hard when you're newlyweds, but you learn how to fit in dates and to make the most of your time together. And when you finally get to have a date together alone for a few hours and the sitter doesn't call you at all because your kid bonked his mouth and no one calls because they want a report or to schedule something, the time together is blissful and you feel so much closer to your spouse.
But, to be quite frank, I feel the same way sometimes. It helps to remember that you are together forever. And that is a very long time.

Misty said...

I love you! I understand. It's frustrating. I just had a moment of frustration this weekend about the fact that Ken has to work past a reasonable dinner time pretty much every day except one this week. I'm sure it will at least get a little bit better once Zach is done with school and you're just juggling work schedules.