Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Bachelor

Thoughts after last night:*I still cannot stand Madison...although she didn't really do anything last night.
*I really can't stand Michelle.
*I still adore Emily.
*Emily is absolutely STUNNING. I cannot get over it.
*I still really really like both Ashleys.
* I think I like (I CANNOT think of her name) she went on the Pretty Woman date last night...although I think she sang to Brad the first night...I still think I like her...and she's pretty.
*I think I like Shawntel or Shawntal? However you spell it.
*Brad is my favorite bachelor...he's the smartest one I've seen thus far...he sent the two cat fighters home!
*How embarrassing was the girl who got sent home and then told how she was the worlds worst dater...
she dates men at work, that doesn't work out
she dates men her friends hook her up with ...that doesn't work out
she online dates...that doesn't work out
the Bachelor was kind of her "last ditch effort."
I'm going to compete with 30 other beautiful women for ONE desirable man?
Why would you leave your last chance to those kinds of odds?
And most of all, why would you share that???
I just don't get it.
**I also kind of want to see Chantel in a bathing suit...she's not quite as thin as most girls and I am just curious. I'm not criticizing her body, just sayin'!
That about wraps up my thoughts from last night.


jenslhome said...

Hi Sharlee,

I hope you don't mind me posting...I was looking to see if you were back on Facebook and came across your blog. Holly and I are watching the Bachelor...LOVE Brad!! So glad he is back. As for the girls...I adore Emily. She is sweet, beautiful, not crazy so far. Perfect for him. Madison is too weird. Brad is too old to be dealing with the vampire thing. Michelle is crazy. I don't like the manipulation thing. Reminds me of the girl from Jake's season that kept teasing about kissing him. Great for tv, but I hope she isn't around long. With Chantel O.-girls with breast implants can sometimes appear to be heavier than they actually are. Will be interesting to see.

Glad to see you are doing so well! On a side note, Holly is getting married in March. Super excited for her. Enjoy your posts-keep them up!

Jen Barbeau

Greg and Jess said...

Oh good we can talk about the Bachelor now! :) I agree with your thoughts. I also thought it was funny you mentioned the swimsuit cuz I was telling Greg something similar. Anyways excited for this season!

PS. So glad the Drama girls are gone!

Sharlee said...

Jen, I am SO glad you posted. I deleted my Facebook just before summer. I just had too much drama and it became more of a problem than a fun thing to do. I am so glad you posted :) Um...SO happy for Holly. I would like more info on this guy! My email address is fatham07@gmail.com you can email me anytime. I would LOVE to hear how you're doing and I would love to hear about Holly, too!
Jess, also glad you posted. Should be SUCH a fun season to watch. Funny you made a similar comment to Greg. :)

Brandi said...

I haven't watched it at all, what night is it on? What channel?