Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child

What's up with this?!?
Mom has some big project at work and I am forgotten. Left out in the cold.
She doesn't respond to my venting emails.
She won't take my phone calls.
She reads my blog, though, so here's to hoping she gets this message
This is me, reaching out.
Crying for some attention.
The equivalent of slapping my brother or eating dog food or some other attention crying act.
Doesn't she know that I'm the most important thing in her life?
Perhaps she has forgotten. 
This will serve as a fair reminder.
This is the best that I could do in the midst of my abandonment. Here I am. Alone and in the cold.
Call me, mom!

1 comment:

Misty said...

I love you and this made me laugh!