Monday, February 7, 2011

Answer This

What's the best nap you've ever taken?I was reminiscing about the best nap I've ever taken and this episode of Friends the other day and I decided it needed to be an Answer This post.
The best nap I've ever taken was truthfully on the 'Love Bed"
I was a little less than a month away from getting married.
Meaning it was still a little early in the school year.
And I was staying up WAAAYYY to late with my soon-to-be-husband.
As saying goodnight was too difficult.
And so I was exhausted.
We had plans to attend the temple with Zach's dad and Pati.
I came over and Pati was not home yet so I hung out at Zach's.
The Love Bed was right there and so I just laid down on it.
The house was warm.
Zach got on the Love Bed with me and cuddled me.
We totally fell asleep unplanned.
We really hadn't meant to.
We woke up when Kim and Pati came over.
And Zach's arms were still wrapped around me.
And I didn't want to leave.
And lucky for me, Pati totally said it was fine and she understood me being tired.
I know we should have gone to the temple.
That's not the point of this post, though.
The point was, I was exhausted, the nap was not planned, it was just warm enough, and I had my fiance's arms wrapped around me the entire time.
Best. Nap. Ever.
And I'm a napping addict.
I'd rather nap mid afternoon than sleep in.
I know how to nap.
And that was the best nap ever.
I still talk about it. Especially on those rare occasions where I'll wake up and Zach will still be cuddling me. :)
Writing about this just made me smile.
Make yourself smile and tell me your story.


Becca and Kent said...

Okay, first of all, don't ever worry about commenting when you have commented a lot lately. Seriously. Comments are the best part of blogging for me-so whenever you have a thought-share it!
And I don't have any nap in particular that I can remember being the best, but I can tell you that it was probably before moving into this house. I love to take naps, and I do almost every day while Nicholas is sleeping, but we have next-door neighbors that have two poodles...which are dumb because they are super yappy. And every single time I lay down for a nap, they start barking. And they bark for hours on end.
Bleh. So although I still love naps, I often dream of napping somewhere completely quiet. :D

MumofElderLarson said...

Well I have several answers to this
but one of my VERY Best Naps ever was when you were 3 years old and we had gone to Kowloons on a Friday for lunch with my mom.
Then you and I headed home and you said "are we going to get our T shirts on?" which we always did to take a nap. We put them on and went to sleep for about 2 full uninterrupted hours. Just me and my Shar.. one of the Best Naps ever...EVER

good memory too.