Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Answer This

What do you do on Sundays?

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. Our typical Sunday goes a little something like this:
*Wake up and get ready for 9:00 church
*Arrive at least five minutes late to church...which is EMBARRASSING because we are the only ones who are late who do not have children...:)
*Church ends at noon-we come home and have a smallish lunch
*Take a Sunday nap
*Head to my parents' house for dinner with them, my brother, my grandpa...and maybe once in a while Shane's girlfriend
*Eat and have a spiritual thought. A different person is assigned the thought each week.
*Sometimes we can get my parents and Shane to play a game with us
*We come home and relax. Take Mal for a walk. Watch a movie maybe...sometimes we just play Settlers or something

We should have a little more scripture study in our Sunday ritual and I am aware of that...all in all our Sundays are restful and rejuvenating--which is precisely their role! :)

What do you do on Sundays?

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