Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Favorite Memories

Marriage is a lot of things
Fun is definitely one of them
We have had a LOT of fun this are some of our favorites from year 1:

*The day after our wedding when we went out to lunch with Zach's family and dinner with my family. We had everyone over for our amazing cake and there was a lot of laughter in our house...immediately. It was such a cool experience for us. Our home. Our family.

*Our month-long hiatus. Pure bliss.

*Our first Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us and all of the food was perfect.

*Our first Christmas. We woke up and exchanged a few presents. We said a prayer and I cried as Zach headed off to work. I remember crying again as he walked through the door no more than an hour later!

**The memory very early on when our smoke detector went off in the middle of the night.
Zach got up and was very groggy (but not grumpy...neither one of us are morning people but he is far less grumpy than I am when he wakes up...I love that about him). He gets on this stool and is trying to take apart our smoke detector--still half asleep--I think he got down three or four times thinking he had stopped it and then it would go off again. He uttered a few choice words (still not actually pissy though). I laughed really hard! It still makes me laugh just to think about it! :)

*The time we fell asleep on the bed after playing games at Ken and Misty's. We were going to watch Burn Notice but just lay down for a second. I woke up at 3 a.m. We were still on top of the covers and in our clothes. I shook Zach awake and the first words out of my mouth were, "Zach! We didn't watch Burn Notice!"

*The day I came back from Girls Camp this summer. It was a perfect evening!

*Going camping for the first time together...EVER! That was fun. Especially bringing Mal! :)

*Having a "snow day" from church. We blew up the air mattress, watched a movie, and drank hot cocoa! :)

*Our poker tournament and black jack playing (and winning...losing...and then winning AGAIN) in Reno!

*Our snow chain experience in Lake Tahoe on our honeymoon..hahahaha

* A more recent memory: I think it was a combination of the creepy/morbid presentation of Damages and the fact that we had my Grandpa's birthday party at my grandparents' house. I had a horrible dream that left me missing my grandma so badly, I couldn't breathe. I woke up crying. I woke Zach up. I could not stop crying (I was pretty much half-alseep)He was so good to me, I seriously can't even tell you. SOO good to me. I still tear up when I think about it.

I love writing down our favorite memories--these are just a few. I never want to forget this first year. I never want to forget this feeling. Being married is just incredible. I love everything about it.

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