Friday, April 8, 2011

Wish That I Had a Mind and Hands That Work Like That

So last night I came home to the fence in the front part of our yard being framed
and set up. No big deal to some of you but to me it is..
This brings me to the kind of mind that can do this kind of thing and how I wish I had one like it.
Todd(my husband & Shar's dad)does have this kind of mind. It is the kind that can build things, fix things, visualize things, learn from watching something be done and figure out how something works by taking things apart and then putting them back together.
All my life and this is true. I have seen things to make or do in a magazine and early on I used to think I could try that. Well I have tried it and it turns out that my mind works like a preschooler on Orajel and Nyquil when it comes to this type of thing. It just doesn't work that way and no amount of study can fix this.
So for now and I wish I had taken a picture of this and actually of the fence my son in law built last summer to illustrate :)
There is something incredible to this type of brain. During my lifetime I have watched this type of mind work -in the cars my dad fixed, the planes he used to work on for a living, the camper he built and all the things he has done to fix anything that we might bring to him. When I got older I married Todd and in our time together he has fixed VCR's and furnaces, rebuilt engines, painted cars, installed the furnace and airconditioning in the first home we built together, painted, tiled our new house with Carma(another friend of mine with this type of mind)installed a new tub and tiled our bathroom, he installed a new furnace for his mom, sprinkler systems in 2 homes plus his dad's yard and actually put a 1947 Stinson Airplane back together from inside out, in our garage no less, with only the book to follow. It passed inspection and he has also flown this plane.
I know there are a lot of people like this in the world but I am not.
I am a if something looks like crap it is always going to be crap kind of person. I would not be able to decide to pull out the carpet,lay down a different floor and paint and have something that came from Better Homes and Gardens. I do not visualize and my mind does not work as to figure how to make an engine stop clanging.
Needless to say I am in awe of people that can. So for today I will just be proud of the new fence my husband is building and I will bathe in the tub he put in and pay the hangar rental for his plane. I on the other hand will just clean up the mess from the construction (because apparently those minds don't work like that :)) and be happy with that.

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