Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Think I've Found a New Favorite


Today I came home to
these beautiful tulips.
My aunt Cara
(the one with 2 sets of twins, pets, a house to run, a husband to look after, and family to take to doctors appointments and such)
somehow found the time to buy flowers, arrange them, and drop them off on my door step.
Don't they look beautiful.
Made. My. Day.
I need these all the time.
They look soooo good on our mantel. They fit perfectly.
I can say that since I didn't think of them, make them, or anything of the like.
My aunt Cara has made arrangements for weddings, funerals, every shower I've ever hosted.
Birthdays, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter. Etc.
I think she should start a business.
So if you're interested, let me know. I will act as the middle man here :)
She doesn't know I'm saying this, and that's kind of funny of me.
But she'd do it. And she'll do it cheaper and better than anyone else.
I promise.
Anyway, I thought I'd showcase her talent on here.
Cara did ALL of the flowers for my wedding:
corsages for all of the groomsmen, ring bearers, grandpas, and dads,
all of the bouquets for the bride, bridesmaid, and flower girl,
and all of the flower arrangements on the tables at the reception. Take a peak.
Comment or call if you want some of your own :)

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