Saturday, September 25, 2010

Answer This

Do you have any weird quirks? If so...what are they?

I definitely qualify as "quirky"

I have many a quirk

Here are a few:

*I eat the bottoms of cupcakes and muffins first because the top is the best part...especially when it's covered in lots of frosting!

*I won't use gifts that I get (lotions, bubble bath, a lot of times--gift cards, etc...) if I don't have a back up of equal value. If I get fancy lotion or something I don't like to use it in case I can't replace it--like if I ended up super poor and absolutely couldn't buy nice things like that. It's really weird and it borders on obsessive.

*I get grossed out by millions of weird body function terms...
phrases like, "Your body is made up of 80% water" is just too much to bear
Other words like "fester," "nerve ending" or the concept of "layers' of skin...GROSS.
*I gag when I encounter an onion.
*I cannot leave the house in the morning unless the bed is made.

*I cannot leave dishes in the sink for any real length of time (for the most part). Dishes in the sink=trashy. I cannot do it!
*I cannot sit down to read a book without a pad of sticky notes. (I like to mark pages that have good lines/quotes so I can write them down later and I absolutely cannot relax enough to read without post-it's).
*I have to listen to Mike and Kate in the morning or it throws my morning off
*Having over 100 texts in my phone's inbox makes me feel overwhelmed. So does having unread messages in my email. I feel cluttered and they feel like daunting "to do" tasks hovering over me.

Now please share your little quirks :)


Misty said...

I love you! Sadley, I believe I had dishes in my sink when you were over on Saturday:(

Elise said...

Ok I am going to do this as well..

I also have to have my bed made and can not stand to have dishes in the sink-neither could my mom
(must be genetic)..

I will go into homes of friends or family and will just do things. Like help them pick up the kitchen or wipe down the counters or put their dishes away or in the dishwasher and it has nothing to do with them it is just a thing I do because I want to help or something strange like that and it is the only thing I know to do. I know some people are ok with it and some are offended but it is not ever meant to be rude. My sister understands this problem I believe she has it as well. :)

I repeat stories I have already told you. This is scary as well as annoying.

I eat my food one item at a time.

I have certain days of the week I do certain chores and it really messes with my head if I don't get to keep the schedule. I have to talk myself into the mix up to make it ok..

I read Magazines from the back to the front most of the time

Becca and Kent said...

I'm with you on the bed making-although for me it is that I cannot get into bed at night if it isn't made yet. It drives Kent crazy when I make him make the bed just so we can get in it right away.

And I used to be really, really good about keeping my sink clean...but then I had a baby...and then my baby learned to crawl and walk and then he learned to climb into the dishwasher and pull out all the knives and lick all the plates...and now my sink is almost always full. But it drives me crazy.

Oh boy, this is a fun post. I could keep going on and on for a long time!