Friday, September 10, 2010


There is a massive amount of excitement going on like crazy in my little heart right now for the following reasons:
1. I am finally feeling that deep down LOVE for my students. The one where I watch them working, walking down the hall, or playing at recess and I ache in my chest and freaking LOVE them! I am there. I worried I wouldn't get there. I worried that maybe I'd lost it (and quite honestly that's the best thing about the "teacher me" there is.
2. I just won a cookbook from a blog. My very first blog prize. Go here to make yourself jealous!
3. I have something that I'm SOOOO excited about but I can't tell you until after the weekend...just know that I won't be sleeping tonight, I'm too excited. Hold tight until Monday--I promise to spill all then!

just to make you laugh...heard this from one of my former students (I love her to death) on the playground today. (For added effect, please understand that this statement was made VERY matter of fact.)

"The only foul language I use is in my head."

It gave me the very laugh that I needed to finish up my Friday!

1 comment:

Aleisha said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait until Monday! :)