Friday, March 6, 2009

Did You Know?!?!?

You may be sick of hearing about this...but I really, honestly, and truly don't care. I had a miniature breakdown today. Maybe more than miniature...probably the biggest one yet. Today, I miss my Grandma terribly, maybe some part of the reality hit me? Maybe it's that so much is going on in my life right now and I need her SO badly. I don't know. I do know that writing about her will make me feel better. So I've decided to write you all a list (surprised?) of stuff you may or may not know about her and my relationship with her...

Did You Know?

*My grandma used to make me cream of mushroom soup FREQUENTLY when I came home (to her house)from kindergarten

*She babysat my dolls for me

*I watched the Today Show, Regis and Kathy Lee, and a lot of other television shows with her.

*I watched Jay Leno with both of my grandparents on Friday nights my sophomore year of college...I used to love to laugh really hard and sometimes Grandma would go, "Well my's not THAT funny!"

*She called me "Sharlee Rose"

*She once gave me a stuffed fox dressed as a girl for Easter. She told me she found them under her trailer (she had an animal for Shane, too) and she named her "Foxy Lady"--I didn't make the connection to my granmda being witty until much later

*Drove us to school most mornings because we preferred it even though we could've taken the bus

*She gave me lipgloss/chapstick stuff when I was on my way to go on a date with my very first boyfriend she told me I might need it

*I waited 2 weeks to tell her that I had a boyfriend for the first time because I knew that was a moment I could never get back. I wanted to be sure it was valid and he wouldn't change his mind (p.s. He did anyway)

*She used to call me to give me weather updates

*Call to see how something I asked her to pray for turned out--she never forgot

*Even up until this grandma would have my grandpa go to the store and bring me by juice or icecream or whatever she thought I needed to make me feel better when I was sick

*She really wanted me to play the violin

*She never made a single problem of mine feel small to her...from age 4 to age 24

*I have a box of Tide in my closet that I will probably never use because laundry was her specialty and she bought me all of my laundry stuff this time when I moved out. She told mom to tell me to remember my grandparents every time I wash my clothes. I do. (Even though I can't bring myself to use the detergent)

*She bought stuff from my school fundraisers and NEVER complained about how small it was

*Loved unconditionally

*Held my hand

Did you know she was honestly one of the best friends I will ever have??

Did you know I miss her terribly?!?

Did you know that I love her even more?!

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