Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Heart Mormon Boys

Hmmmm...that's an unusual statement for me isn't it?! I think lately I've had a change of heart. And I suppose I should say I heart GOOD Mormon boys. There is a difference. I was sitting in church today and my love for them as a whole just overwhelmed me. From the way they dress for church, to teaching Sunday School with such conviction and knowledge. To literally tearing up at a "visitor's" request to be baptised. I literally barely made it through Sunday School composed today. I was in the midst of this incredible group of real MEN and I was blown away. Here's why:

* I love the Priesthood and the Priesthood blesses my life--who holds the Priesthood? Mormon boys

*Morality. No real delicate way to put this. These men are rare. (I'm not belittling any other denomination that teaches abstinence until marriage--don't get me's rare across the board). There's something so incredible about the fact that my husband is out there somewhere. I have no idea where he is. And he is waiting for ME. He loves me and he hasn't even met me. I know because I'm doing the same thing and I know that I love my husband--even though I don't know who he is. I'm waiting for him. When we meet and marry he has already proven love for me and for the Lord. Wow!

*They go on missions and they work HARD!

*If they return from a mission and are single long's fun to look at them come into church dressed INCREDIBLY nice and know that their mom didn't iron that shirt for them.

*They pray

*They serve

*They sing hymns

*They read/know the scriptures
*They respect women

*They're not crude or profane...

*They love the Gospel
*They have the spirit with them (there is NOTHING in the world like going on a date with a man who has that! It's a rare find).

These men are rare. I'd like to pay tribute to them! EVERY SINGLE GOOD ONE!

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