Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I found this on pinterest and I thought I'd take a crack at it...all at once.
10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:
1. You are truly the best thing that has ever happened to me!
2. My heart is what you made it to be and I am so grateful for that!
3. Stop complaining! So many people are without all that you are blessed with.
4. Please stop crying!
5. Do you remember the time you did/said ________?!?! I'm still waiting on an apology for that. (This applies to many)
6. I love you!
7. I am so glad that we have friends like you! I truly am so excited about our's so much fun for me! What a blessing you are to us!
8. I secretly worry that my baby won't be as cute as yours!
9. You're gorgeous!
10. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 things about yourself :
1. I like to win.
2. I love to get ready to go somewhere. Love getting ready! But I would rather stay in and watch a show, cuddle, and eat pizza than go out.
3. I love wearing Zach's t-shirts and occasionally flannel pj bottoms to bed.
4. I hate Sunday nights.
5. Reading recipes helps to tame my food cravings.
6.Naps are divine!
7. My favorite Jodi book is Second Glance
8. I love cherry Coke!
9. I have a very strong testimony of the gospel.
8 Ways to win your heart:
1. Be sincere
2.Laugh at me
3.Be kind to others
4. Thank me
6.Honor your priesthood
7.Feed me!
8. Be a gentleman
7 things that cross your mind a lot
1. My blessings
2. Decorating ideas/thoughts/desires etc...
3. Food
4. Goals/dreams/aspirations/hopes...I'm a big day dreamer
5. Grace
6. Teaching ideas
7. Zach!
6 things you wish you'd never done:
**not big into regrets but I think I could've handled the following differently
1. I regret apologizing for things that I never did intentionally. I am thinking about one instance in particular but this could apply to many things.
2. Not standing up for myself.
3. Calling him several months after it was over. I had a secret hope. It was pathetic and didn't help. If only I'd had a glimpse of what was yet to come!
4. Gotten a credit card!
5. Gotten into a car accident...or two...or three...
6. Gossiped (in general) but in certain instances, I really regret it.
5 people who mean a lot (in no order):
1. Misty
2. Shane
3. Mom
4. My students
5. Zach
4 turn offs:
1. Excuses
2. Laziness
3. Pouting/Being a downer/
4.Being a pig
3 turn ons:
1. Being a gentleman. Opening my door, offering to hold the heavy things, offering to do things that I am getting ready to do (i.e. water the garden, go to the store to get the one ingredient that I don't have...)
2. Diversified knowledge. Knowing lots about a lot of different things: history, math, English, politics, building things, fixing things, computers, etc...
3. Work
2 words that describe your life right now:
1. full
1 confession:
1. I sometimes think bad and rude church. (gasp!)

Give it a shot yourself. If you do it, be sure to comment and link back to yours, I'd love to read it!

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