Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On a Day Like Today

You all know how I feel
And you know I'm on the verge of tears...still.
Nothing traumatic.
Plate's just a little full.
And not enough refueling the brain/body.
Sleep isn't happening for me right now.
And just TOOOO much going on.
Basically, it's one of those days.

It is also one of those days when I go to clean up my classroom so that we're ready for Spring Break
and I go to put my Reader's Theatre scripts away and I glance at the writing in the top right-hand corner...

That's my mom's writing.
And it brought tears to my eyes.
Yes, I'm serious.
Sometimes things like that just get to me.
Because no matter how full my plate is,
no matter how overwhelmed I'm feeling,
I have this amazing friend who is just always there.
And because she's always there I have pieces of her everywhere.
These little tokens remind me of my mom and I working in here this summer. It reminds me of my constantly needing to redirect my mom. Which makes me smile. It reminds me of her bringing me and Renee Maverick hot dogs because I was starving and my amazing mother asked me on the phone if Renee would want something, too.
It reminds me of how I missed her when I had to come in and work by myself the next day.
These little tokens remind me of how incredibly blessed I am.
And then I can breathe just a little easier.
For now.

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